Monday, November 8, 2010


Has it seriously been 4 months since I've written anything on this silly little thing? A lot has been going on in the last few months that is for sure. I'm not quite sure where all of the time has gone but I do know one thing, I finally ran a 5k for the first time in October with my friend Sarah! It was a great feeling to cross the finish line even though it was a hard fought 3.1 miles. I wasn't thrilled with my time ( i had some cramping issues that held me and unfortunately Sarah back) but I am thrilled that we finished. I took a brief ( 4 weeks ugh) hiatus from running and it's time to get back to it. I'm hoping to get back into a good routine before the snow starts falling, that way hopefully I won't have to force myself to go out and run. I've set a new goal for myself and can't believe I'm about to say this, but I'm considering a half marathon in 2011! I think my sister in law is going to do it with me which will definitely help to have someone to run the 13.1 with, but also to have someone to help me train and stay on track. The next two months I'm going to focus on building up my running base again and hope to kick off January with a half marathon training schedule!

This could get interesting!

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