Tuesday, February 1, 2011

It's about time...

to get motivated again. The last couple of weeks have definitely been a struggle with training. About 3 weeks ago I had a fantastic week of running. I honestly never felt better about what I was doing, how I was running, and what I was working towards. I did every scheduled run I had plus strength training sessions and felt great. My Saturday long run was looming and I was looking forward to tackling 4 miles. My husband and I were headed to a college basketball game late morning so I knew I had to get myself up and put in 4 miles before we left because there was no way I was doing it when we got home.

My alarm went off at 8:00 that Saturday morning and I looked out to see the beginnings of a typical Michigan winter day, dreary, snowy and cold! I suited up and the dog and I took off. It was a tough run with the snow accumulation from the night before and the ice that the plows left behind when they went by us ( I learned quickly that my dog hates snow plows, and I mean HATES them!). I felt so empowered at the end of the run; the time was a little slow but I chalked it up to the conditions I was running in and went from there. I felt great about myself and had a new confidence for this whole half marathon training; then I woke up on Sunday. I knew it was the beginnings of a nasty chest cold, one that took hold for days and didn't let up.

I laid low most of the week having more and more guilt building up for not running. I put in 2 torturous miles Thursday of that week and knew I wasn't even close to being over that cold. I laid low the rest of the weekend and when the following Monday rolled around I was ready to go again. I was really looking forward to having an awesome run; the sun was out, the snow was melting, and it was a balmy 30 degree's. I soon found out that the road conditions were nothing but slush and 3 miles later my knee's were screaming at me. 2 days later they were still screaming but I attempted to push out another run; it was disastrous. I haven't felt so beaten down by running (or lack thereof in this case) in a long time. I literally cried my way through 2 miles with nothing but self doubt running through my head. I came home and told my husband that there is no way I can run a half marathon. He just looked at me and said " Suck it up, I know you can do it."

Enough said, it's time to suck it up and do it. Last Saturday my husband and I went to check out a new gym with a track and when he was done with his workout he joined me on the track and pushed me through the final mile of my 4 mile run. He helped instill confidence in me that I actually can do this, and I will.

I may be running slower than I usually do but I can build myself back up to where I was. I may not have the best time when I cross the finish line in April but I will have the knowledge that I pushed myself to reach a goal I never thought I could do....of course with some "gently nudging" from my awesome husband!

1 comment:

  1. So proud of you Steph! Keep up the good work. I don't know how ANYONE can get motivated to do much of ANYTHING (physical or not) in this weather! So if you can, the more power to you. The gym sounds like a nice idea too and a great thing for you and Dale to do together. What a great husband to push you through that last mile. It's February 1st...a new month! :) Keep up the good work, so proud of you!!!!
