Monday, November 8, 2010


Has it seriously been 4 months since I've written anything on this silly little thing? A lot has been going on in the last few months that is for sure. I'm not quite sure where all of the time has gone but I do know one thing, I finally ran a 5k for the first time in October with my friend Sarah! It was a great feeling to cross the finish line even though it was a hard fought 3.1 miles. I wasn't thrilled with my time ( i had some cramping issues that held me and unfortunately Sarah back) but I am thrilled that we finished. I took a brief ( 4 weeks ugh) hiatus from running and it's time to get back to it. I'm hoping to get back into a good routine before the snow starts falling, that way hopefully I won't have to force myself to go out and run. I've set a new goal for myself and can't believe I'm about to say this, but I'm considering a half marathon in 2011! I think my sister in law is going to do it with me which will definitely help to have someone to run the 13.1 with, but also to have someone to help me train and stay on track. The next two months I'm going to focus on building up my running base again and hope to kick off January with a half marathon training schedule!

This could get interesting!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Accomplishment feels good

So all the anxiety from last week that was building from that silly little run was...well...silly. I accomplished something on Saturday that I have never done before in my life. I know it probably seems silly (and possibly crazy) to some people but I was THRILLED when my friendly ipod told me that I had completed 5.01 miles in 53 minutes!

Our good friend Erin came in to town on Friday for the 4th of July holiday and I knew it was going to be a great weekend. But I also knew that I needed to get this 5 mile run done and out of the way on Saturday. Friday night we grilled out and the boys had a few ice cold beverages, while I longingly stared at the ice cold beers on the deck. I indulged in one but definitely knew I wouldn't be able to run the next morning if I had a few more.

Saturday morning rolled around and I knew I needed to get up at a decent time to beat the heat. Instead of setting my alarm Friday night I decided to let myself wake up and if it was too hot oh well, I probably wouldn't run. Somehow I had some motivation coming from somewhere though and woke up, jumped out of bed, and put on the running shoes. I always do a short warm up walk before the run and the entire time I kept telling my running partner (Oliver) to please be good, not run me in to a tree, and help me get through this run.

I set out telling myself that I didn't care how quickly I ran the 5 miles, I just wanted to make it through. It was a beautiful morning for a run and I quickly got lost in the scenery (Oliver and I ran right past a deer) and the awesome play list that my cousin Mark made for me. At about the 4 mile point I started to get tired and wanted to stop. I tried to keep pushing through thinking that if I stopped I probably wouldn't get going on but finally at about 4.4 miles I had to stop. I stretched out quick, took a swig of water, and set back out. The last .6 miles was the fastest that I ran the entire time so maybe that little break was worth it.

At the end of the run Oliver and I found some sprinklers to run through and celebrate in. I still can't believe I did it! The rest of the weekend was action packed but laid back at the same time. After finishing up my run we watched the Germany vs. Argentina soccer game cheering on the Deutschland and then headed to the beaches of South Haven.

Sunday was a little BBQ at the house with my parents and siblings and alas Monday did come and here I am at work!

So after 5 miles why am I so nervous about the measly old 4 miles I have to run tomorrow? Oh wait, I'm not!!

This weeks runs:

Tuesday- 4 miles
Thursday- 4 miles
Saturday- 5 miles

Thursday, July 1, 2010

8 miles down....

5 more to go for the week! Woke up this morning and had a gorgeous run! 3 miles in and it felt great. There were definitely some highs and lows to it this morning though but overall it felt nice. The puppy even cooperated and had a nice little jog. He does a good job of distracting me on most runs, as long as he doesn't distract me right into a tree!

Saturday is going to be a big hurdle more me. My 10k training has me scheduled for 5 miles. I know I can do it, I just have to not psych myself out. I need to keep telling myself that I don't need to run it fast, I just need to run it. I'm not sure why I am so intimidated by upping the mileage so hopefully all goes well. We are spending the day at the beach on Saturday so maybe by running 5 miles before the beach I will feel a little bit better in a bathing suit!

Any motivational speeches would be greatly appreciated :)

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Lazy, Lazy, Lazy

Wow! I didn't even realize it had been over a month since my last post. Unfortunately there isn't much good to report (at least from the running side of things) since my last post. I was all excited to start training for a 10K and then somehow my motivation just disappeared.

It seemed like there was a million and one reasons not to run. In the last few weeks I was lucky if I forced myself into more than one run in a week. I've soon come to realize that I just can't only run once a week and expect any results or expect to get any better, faster, or be able to run farther. This week has been off to a pretty good start running wise. I was able to put 2 miles in on Monday night and then last night my good friend Michelle came over and we put another 3 miles on. So far I'm at 5 miles for the week and looking to make it 13 miles before this week is over.

I started a new "Nike coach" program with my ipod for a 10k training. It's a little more aggressive then the other 10k training I was doing (and failing at) so we will see if I can stick to this one. Maybe if my ipod yells at me enough I'll be able to get through it. Tonight is a night of cross training and then I'm scheduled for another 3 mile run on Thursday.

The weather has been unbearably hot and humid until this week, it finally broke and is beautiful weather to run in. Let's hope I can keep this up this time!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

10K here I come

It's been a long time but I'm back! Last Friday I had a big accomplishment, running a 5K (around my neighborhood) in 30 minutes! I still had one more week of 5K training to go but I decided it was time to move on to the 10K training this week. It seems a little odd that to start this training I am backing down on my miles but I know I will build up and be even stronger than I was. The 5k training was all about putting a certain amount of minutes in a week, the 10k training is all about miles.

This morning wasn't the best morning to kick it off as it was a little chilly, windy, and spitting rain. Regardless of the weather puppy was ready to go so we headed out. I felt like since I was backing down the miles I was running I should probably try and run it a little faster and I was so happy to find out that I finished my 1.5 miles in under 14 minutes, which equals 9 minute miles! I definitely couldn't sustain that pace for much longer than my run today because I was gassed by the end but it feel good to know that I pushed myself a little harder this morning.

I now have two running buddies that I couldn't do without; Mr. Oliver and My nike+ running "coach". It's great to have someone (or rather something) telling you your distance in your ear as your going. Very very motivating!

Here's to another great week of being a "runner"

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Trips, Trips, and more Trips

So it's been over a week since I've posted and unfortunately since I've ran for that matter! Saturday the 24th of April started a crazy whirlwind trip to the West Coast for a mixture of business and pleasure. I finished my final run of that week on Friday and then packed quickly for my 7 am departure to Seattle! The weekend started great with a reunion with the best friends from college where we did some bridesmaid dress shopping for Laura's upcoming nuptials, had some hot Indian action, went to a carnival bar that served elephant ears, ate a famous Seattle cream cheese hot dog, and went to stalk McDreamy on Bainbridge Island. It's always a good time with my girls.

Monday started the work madness by taking the Amtrak train from Seattle down to Portland for business. We were in Portland for all of one night then it was off to San Francisco for a day and a half then I hopped the red eye to get home with just enough time on Thursday to jump in the car and head to Louisville for the 136th running of the Kentucky Derby! We had an amazing time at the derby and it was definitely a once in a lifetime event.

Now unfortunately during that entire week of crazy west coast travel, lack of sleep, and I'll admit, a few nights of drunken debauchery, I was only able to get one run in. But it was a good one! I went 28 minutes straight for a total of 2.6 miles. This was on a treadmill but at least I threw the incline up to make it "feel" more like an outdoor run.

I was a little disappointed that I didn't get more runs in during this trip, especially considering one of my main reasons for starting to run was because I could essentially do it anywhere. I am going to jump right back in to where I left off though and start off strong tonight with Week 7 of my 5K training. My hope is that a week off won't do anything to hurt my performance and hopefully it will help, my legs should be good and fresh for tonight's 28 minute run!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Morning runs are better than....

COFFEE! At least for the first couple of hours in the morning. I can't lie, I still need my cup of Joe! I'm officialy half way through week 7 of this new running experience that I've embarked on. My first run of the week was on Monday and oh what a run it was. It was definitely one of those accomplished feelings and the high afterwards was amazing. Monday was by far my longest run time with 36 minutes of running and 13 minutes of walking (which includes the 5 min warm up and cool down). Over the last few weeks I've been trying to focus on building my endurance and not worrying about how fast or how far I'm running. Curiousity finally won me over and although I'm still not worried about my speed, I do want to know the miles that I'm putting on. I purchased the nike plus sensor to track all of this and was super happy with the results. Monday's run ended up being just about 4.5 miles in 49 minutes, which equals about an 11 minute mile. I was ecstatic knowing that I was setting a good pace (especially considering the walking breaks).

This week has been absolutely crazy even though its only Wednesday morning and I knew that if I didn't get myself up and take Ollie for a run this morning I might not get all of my runs in for the week before I leave for Seattle on Saturday morning. Here's my issue though, I love my sleep and the mornings have been chilly lately and there is nothing more cozy than being tucked in my nice warm bed next to Dale.

6:15....the alarm is blaring, Dale is sighing, and the dog is ready to go. I however was not so sure I was. I laid in bed for a few more minutes and somehow pulled myself out of bed and in to my running clothes. Before we made it outside I had already talked myself out of running and talked myself in to just taking the pup for a nice walk, then we got outside. It was a GORGEOUS spring morning and perfect for going for a nice run. This mornings run was 14/1 x 2 with the warm up and cool down, so a total of 40 minutes. After the warm up we started running and I immediately wanted to stop, but I pushed through and finally found the runner's zone and before I knew it I had ran 14 minutes and it was time for a quick 1 minute walking break. Ollie and I cruised around the neighborhood enjoying how beautiful it is in the spring time. It was a nice crisp morning, the tulips are up and the smell of lilacs is starting to hit the air, which is my favorite part of spring! And now for the results from this mornings run........3.45 miles in 37 minutes with a pace of 10 min 38 sec a mile.

One more run for the week, 15/1 x 2, and my 45 minutes of cross training which I'll take care of at my soccer game tonight!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Success is....

fitting into an old pair of jeans! After 6 weeks of running I'm finally starting to see some results, even though the scale hasn't moved much I was thrilled to pull on a pair of jeans that I haven't been able to wear in awhile. Although I can't see much of a change in the mirror I'm starting to FEEL the change and I love it.

I'm also finally experiencing that "runners high". I always thought that this came during the run but I'm finding that, for me at least, it comes a few minutes after. After I've gone through some stretches it just hits me. I'm energized and just plain happy. I have heard that as my run time increases I'll get some sort of a "high" during the run and will just be in the zone. I'm looking forward to not checking my watch every few minutes and just being able to go run.

Right now I'm still not worried about how fast I'm running but I am starting to get curious as to the distance that I cover in each run. So to figure that all out I invested in the Nike plus sensor for my ipod. A few weeks ago I bought a new pair of Nike running shoes that worked with the one plus sensor knowing that soon enough I would want to start using it. Oh and these new shoes are incredible, I love them and they are awesome to run in. The sensor thing seems cool because it will tell me my pace, distance, time, calories, etc... This morning I took it out to get it all set up and calibrated and went for a little over a mile, running the whole time. Now I know that I've probably been doing this for awhile but it was liberating to see that mile point come up on my ipod. I feel like I'm finally starting to get the hang of this!

The runs last week were great, Dale took me out for my second run of the week, 10/1 x 3, and it seemed like such a breeze doing it with someone. I was really happy because I was able to keep up a decent pace and have a conversation through the whole run. I got lazy and skipped my third run of the week. To my defense I did end up working over the weekend so it through me off a bit. NO excuses I was just lazy. So tonight might be a little bit more punishing as I jump into week 4 of the 5k program....

Run 1: 12/1 x 3
Run 2: 14/1 x 2
Run 3: 15/1 x 2
45 min x train

Monday, April 12, 2010

Spring has Sprung

Last week was a pretty great week. We had gorgeous weather, minus some crazy strong storms earlier in the week that left the area with quite a bit of damage, luckily not our house! After my iffy run on Monday I took a rest day on Wednesday and headed to my soccer game on Wednesday. It proved to be another great workout and it is interesting to count the bruises after those games.

After the poor run on Monday I was pretty nervous/anxious to get my Thursday run out of the way. It was a repeat of Monday's run (7/1 x 4) and knowing how much I struggled then I really didn't want to struggle with Thursday's. I didn't have to worry because that run was great! I'm still getting some cramping but it wasn't nearly as bad as Monday's. I think that the weekend festivities in Milwaukee definitely played a part in the poor run, I'm thinking that I must have been dehydrated. I had a ton of water on Monday but after the lack of water and excess beer over a two day period I think the beer won out!

Friday was a rest day and Saturday was the big finale for week 2 of 5 k training. We had a gorgeous weekend weather wise and Saturday afternoon I headed out for my run in the 75 degree sunshine and insanely windy weather. Saturday's run was 8/1 x 4, another step up, and I got through the first 8 minute stretch okay. I was running straight in to the wind and was so unbelievably hot. The next 8 minute stretch came and I made it to minute 3 and then I did what I normally do when trying to start a running program, I quit. The entire walk home I kept kicking myself and was just so angry that I gave up so easily. By the time I got home I was almost in tears because I was so mad at myself. I started stretching and complaining and this is where my husband stepped in to kick me in my butt. He told me to rest for a little bit, drink some more water and after about an hour he grabbed his running shoes and out the door we went. I'm super happy to say that thanks to him I finished my run and with barely any cramping. It was an AWESOME run and I can't thank Dale enough for pushing me to do it and for making me feel great while doing it. I seriously have an amazing, supportive husband!

Bring on week 3! This weeks runs are 9/1 x 3, 10/1 x 3, 11/1 x 3 and of course 45 minutes of cross training!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


So this week is apparently all about intimidation. It's week 2 of my 5k training and right now I'm not feeling all that comfortable. After a two day rest (and lots of beer in Milwaukee) Oliver and I headed out on Monday for our run of 7/1 x 4. The first 7 minutes of the run was fine, I walked it out for a minute and started up with the next 7. This did not go over so well and about 4 minutes in my legs just started cramping up and just hurt. I pushed through the 7 and then walked 2 minutes to stretch the legs out. The next 7 seemed to go okay and the last 7 was pure hell again. I got home and did a lot of stretching and used yesterday as a rest day as well.

Tonight will be my 45 minutes of cross training during my soccer game and tomorrow I'll hit the pavement for my 2nd run of the week, another 7/1 x 4. I don't know why I do this to myself but after the not so great run on Monday I'm pretty nervous and intimidated to do this run on Thursday and my final run of the week, 8/1 x 4, on Saturday. I want this so badly and just have to keep pushing through. I guess the positive is that I pushed through and finished and my lungs could handle the run.

Any words of wisdom or advice on how to get rid of these pains in my legs?

Friday, April 2, 2010


I'm not even sure where this week has gone but the gorgeous weather has definitely made it go by quickly. Week 1 of the 5k training went great. Monday and Tuesday were perfect days to head out and to 5/1 x 5. I think the dog is even getting the hang of running and doesn't try to pull me into a ditch every 2 ft. It's hard to blame him though since he is A LOT faster than I am.

The nice thing with the 5k program is that it is three days of running and one day of 45 minute cross training. I joined an indoor soccer team with my mom a couple of months ago so until indoor season is over i'm using my Wednesday nights for cross training. Playing soccer is seriously one of the best workouts I have ever had. So after two nights of running I was off to my soccer game. We played the best team in our league, and a team that really shouldn't even be in our league so the game was a tough on. It became even tougher when I thought it would be a good idea to block a goal shot with my face. Luckily I was more shocked than hurt, eventhough I had one heck of a headache!

I've also learned through this running program that rest days are essential. Thursday was a much needed rest day as my legs were shot from the runs and soccer. So in true "resting" fashion" I was out in the yard for a couple hours raking and getting ready to fertilize. I forgot how much "work" yard work really was!

My final run came this morning, 6/1 x 5. Morning runs never really seem to go my way but after today I have a newfound love for them... I think. It was a gorgeous run watching the sunrise and a perfect way to end the week.

I'm proud to say that I'm 4 weeks in to this whole running thing and although I can't see the results I can definitely feel them. This is the longest amount of time that I've commited myself to running (without a bootcamp instructor yelling at me to do it)!

Dale and I are off to Milwaukee for the weekend to ctch up with some friends, see some baseball, and take some much needed "rest" time. Happy Easter everyone!

Monday, March 29, 2010

It's a new week....

Dale and I had an awesome weekend that was off to a great start as soon as I got home on Friday night. Dale's brother and sister-in-law, Scott and Treena, came to town for a visit with the best 17 month old that I know Dane. We had a great night Friday playing with Dane and enjoying some good Michigan micro brew's while cheering Michigan State on to the Elite 8. Let's be serious, we enjoyed more than just a "few" brews which made Saturday a little interesting.

Saturday was slated to be my final day of my "3 weeks to a 30 day running program" with a final run of 5/1 x 5. After the evening of fun of course I woke up a little foggy and the last thing I wanted to do was go for a run. I take that back, I wanted to I just wasn't sure I could. Thank goodness for my siste in law! Treena and I threw on our running clothes and went out fo a quick morning jaunt. It was a perfect way to start the day (and surprisingly helped the mini hangover) and a perfect way to end my 3 week training. The run felt great and I wish that Treena lived right down the street so we could do that everyday (that among many other reasons, she's the best!). The rest of our weekend was spent heading to Grand Rapids to see the butterflies at Frederik Meijer Gardens, heading to a brewery, shopping, UFC fighting, lots of good playing with Dane, and of course cheering MSU in to the FINAL FOUR!

It's a start to a new week and I'm now starting a 5K training program. This program will be 8 weeks long and my first run of the night will be a repeat of Saturday 5/1 x 5. Now I suppose I should look for a 5k to run in 2 months!

Thanks again to Scott and Treena for making the trip down! We love you guys!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Excuses, Excuses, Excuses

So the schedule this week is a little thrown off since my little sister Jamie is staying with us while our parent's enjoy an Aruba vacation! Monday's run went great though. 5/1 x 4 was the longest stretch of running I've had to do on this program. Again the hardest part is knowing that just a few short months ago I was running 3 miles with no problems ( I will get back there and running even more!). After the run, Jamie and I whipped up a yummy stir fry, minus the rice since apparently I can mess up rice even when it's done in a rice cooker. It still amazes me how much energy I have and how great I feel after a run, it sure does suck while doing it though!

Yesterday however was a day full of excuses. My scheduled run was 4/1 x 5 and the entire day was thrown off. Jamie's school starts at a ridiculously early time so we have to be out of the house by 7 am which throws off any chance of a morning run because let's be serious, I'm not getting up at 5:30 am when it's only 30 degrees outside! After dropping Jamie off at school I headed up to Grand Rapids for some meetings. The hope was that my meetings would be done and I could get home in time to get my run in before heading to Jamie's first Varsity soccer scrimmage (insert a little bragging, my amazing little sister is 1 of 2 freshmen to make the Varsity soccer team and not only did she start last night but she played the ENTIRE game! GO Little J!) Well my meetings went long and I didn't have time to run before heading to Jamie's game. So Jamie's scrimmage started at 6:45 and didn't get over until about 8:30. We grabbed some dinner on the way home and made it home about 9:00. Now here comes the excuses...
  • I was exhausted and the last thing I wanted to do was go for a run
  • I hadn't eaten dinner yet
  • I was already freezing after sitting outside for 2 hours
  • It was super dark and I apparently think their is an ax murderer running around our nice, cozy subdivision

Now this is usually when I would throw in the towel and say "well I can always do it tomorrow". But somehow I overcame the usual excuses last night and went out and got my run done! It was a bit of a tougher run since I altered my course (due to the neighborhood ax murderer of course) and ran some different trails that were somewhat well lit. This involved more of a hilly run though and though there were times I wanted to stop and walk I didn't do it. I finished the run and felt awesome knowing that this was another big step for me! I officially have 2 more runs to go on the 3 week plan. No official run tonight but I will be sweating my guts out on the soccer field!

Oh and I have to give special thanks to my dog Oliver for pulling me up some of those hills last night!

Monday, March 22, 2010

In search of the runner's high....

So i've decided that it's high time I lace up the "tennis shoes" and turn them in to running shoes. Running has always been something I've kind of despised. I'm not sure if it's because I have crazy short legs, don't have a runner's "physique" or if I am just lazy. Whichever one it is it's time for me to overcome it. Here are a few reason's I think it's important for me to do this....

  • It's good for me
  • It's good for the dog
  • I can run anywhere (and with all of the traveling I tend to do it may make sticking to an exercise program easier)
  • It makes me feel good
  • I've always wanted to be able to say "I'm a runner"

A couple of weeks I started a running program "3 weeks to a 30 minute running habit" and I am successfuly two weeks in (minus a day off due to nasy Michigan weather and possibly another day off due to drinking festivities in Chicago) It's been a great starting point for me since every day my run is e-mailed to me and it slowly works you in to a running habit. I've always failed in the past because I've wanted to do too much too quickly and have always felt like "I'm Young, I'm healthy, I should just be able to go run for 30 minutes".

In this program you slowly work your way up by doing a series of run/walk intervals. Not only is this a great way to build endurance but interval training also shreds calories...also another perk of running!

So anyway I decided it's high time I use my blog as a platform for my "running and working out" excursions. I'm hoping this will be a good way to keep me accountable to myself. I hope I don't bore anyone to much with my crazy complaints or stories of success as I make my way through this!

Tonight's run....after a nice warm up, run 5 minutes/walk 1 minute x 4= 24 minutes of actual run time. 30 minutes here I come!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

First Day with a blog...

So today, January 21st, marks a monumental day for me. I have been forced to make a blog. I am currently sitting in a Social Media training class put on by the Cherry Marketing Institute and our advertising agency. As odd as it is I've always wanted to create a blog but never have due to my lack of anything important or exciting to say! However the more and more I think about it, a lot of people with blogs don't have anything mind blowing to report, it's just a nice avenue to vent, update, and communicate with everyone. So for all of my loyal supporters out there I hope you enjoy!