Monday, April 19, 2010

Success is....

fitting into an old pair of jeans! After 6 weeks of running I'm finally starting to see some results, even though the scale hasn't moved much I was thrilled to pull on a pair of jeans that I haven't been able to wear in awhile. Although I can't see much of a change in the mirror I'm starting to FEEL the change and I love it.

I'm also finally experiencing that "runners high". I always thought that this came during the run but I'm finding that, for me at least, it comes a few minutes after. After I've gone through some stretches it just hits me. I'm energized and just plain happy. I have heard that as my run time increases I'll get some sort of a "high" during the run and will just be in the zone. I'm looking forward to not checking my watch every few minutes and just being able to go run.

Right now I'm still not worried about how fast I'm running but I am starting to get curious as to the distance that I cover in each run. So to figure that all out I invested in the Nike plus sensor for my ipod. A few weeks ago I bought a new pair of Nike running shoes that worked with the one plus sensor knowing that soon enough I would want to start using it. Oh and these new shoes are incredible, I love them and they are awesome to run in. The sensor thing seems cool because it will tell me my pace, distance, time, calories, etc... This morning I took it out to get it all set up and calibrated and went for a little over a mile, running the whole time. Now I know that I've probably been doing this for awhile but it was liberating to see that mile point come up on my ipod. I feel like I'm finally starting to get the hang of this!

The runs last week were great, Dale took me out for my second run of the week, 10/1 x 3, and it seemed like such a breeze doing it with someone. I was really happy because I was able to keep up a decent pace and have a conversation through the whole run. I got lazy and skipped my third run of the week. To my defense I did end up working over the weekend so it through me off a bit. NO excuses I was just lazy. So tonight might be a little bit more punishing as I jump into week 4 of the 5k program....

Run 1: 12/1 x 3
Run 2: 14/1 x 2
Run 3: 15/1 x 2
45 min x train

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