COFFEE! At least for the first couple of hours in the morning. I can't lie, I still need my cup of Joe! I'm officialy half way through week 7 of this new running experience that I've embarked on. My first run of the week was on Monday and oh what a run it was. It was definitely one of those accomplished feelings and the high afterwards was amazing. Monday was by far my longest run time with 36 minutes of running and 13 minutes of walking (which includes the 5 min warm up and cool down). Over the last few weeks I've been trying to focus on building my endurance and not worrying about how fast or how far I'm running. Curiousity finally won me over and although I'm still not worried about my speed, I do want to know the miles that I'm putting on. I purchased the nike plus sensor to track all of this and was super happy with the results. Monday's run ended up being just about 4.5 miles in 49 minutes, which equals about an 11 minute mile. I was ecstatic knowing that I was setting a good pace (especially considering the walking breaks).
This week has been absolutely crazy even though its only Wednesday morning and I knew that if I didn't get myself up and take Ollie for a run this morning I might not get all of my runs in for the week before I leave for Seattle on Saturday morning. Here's my issue though, I love my sleep and the mornings have been chilly lately and there is nothing more cozy than being tucked in my nice warm bed next to Dale.
6:15....the alarm is blaring, Dale is sighing, and the dog is ready to go. I however was not so sure I was. I laid in bed for a few more minutes and somehow pulled myself out of bed and in to my running clothes. Before we made it outside I had already talked myself out of running and talked myself in to just taking the pup for a nice walk, then we got outside. It was a GORGEOUS spring morning and perfect for going for a nice run. This mornings run was 14/1 x 2 with the warm up and cool down, so a total of 40 minutes. After the warm up we started running and I immediately wanted to stop, but I pushed through and finally found the runner's zone and before I knew it I had ran 14 minutes and it was time for a quick 1 minute walking break. Ollie and I cruised around the neighborhood enjoying how beautiful it is in the spring time. It was a nice crisp morning, the tulips are up and the smell of lilacs is starting to hit the air, which is my favorite part of spring! And now for the results from this mornings run........3.45 miles in 37 minutes with a pace of 10 min 38 sec a mile.
One more run for the week, 15/1 x 2, and my 45 minutes of cross training which I'll take care of at my soccer game tonight!
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