Monday, February 14, 2011

Personal Bests

One thing I realized that is really unique about training for your first time marathon is the huge amount of opportunities there are to have personal bests. It seems like at least once a week you are able to accomplish something that chances are you have never accomplished before. Because every long run is an increase of the one before you area always running longer than you have ever run before, and because training is only making you stronger there are always the chances for a mid week personal best by running a short run faster.

This Saturday I had another personal best, 6.2 miles! I woke up and did the usual hemming and hawing about going to run. It was too windy, I couldn't find my headphones and God knows I can't run without my head phones, etc. etc. After a nice swift kick in the butt from my husband (and him generously finding me a new pair of head phones) the pup and I were off and running. We finally went through a warm up this weekend and it was really a gorgeous day to go for a run. Although it was windy I soon found out that I needed the wind to cool me off. It was definitely a bit of a struggle at times because I was running on three different kinds of terrain (packed snow, wet asphalt, and the dreaded slush) I took 3 very short (30 sec max) walk breaks and before I knew it I had my new personal best. 6.2 miles in 1:05:37

I was also treated to this pretty photo op when I took off my shoes and socks....

Lesson learned, always cut your toe nails before you go on a run. Somehow having a bloody foot made me feel even more like a real runner!

Now that I've been so kind as to gross you out I hope everyone enjoys their Valentines Day Chocolates!

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